Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Open Thread – 1/6/2010

This week I’ve been swamped.  Yesterday the morning was taken up by a doctor appointment and the afternoon with a visit from my oxygen company doing tests on me.  I barely managed to reply to comments and only visited one blog.  Today is my volunteer day with a therapy group for former prisoners.  I should get some visiting done tomorrow.
This morning I deleted a couple comments from a right winger who ignored the blog’s only rule, that we treat each other with respect, regardless of views.  I ask you all to use restraint in replying to such individuals, and reply to them respectfully.  Do not respond to them in kind.  I will deal with it as soon as I am able.
Please be patient with me.
Today;s Jig Zone puzzle took me 4:23.  To do it, Click Here.  How did you do?
Here’s your cartoon:
Happy hump day!!


otis said...

6:19 on the damn puzzle.

TomCat said...

Hang in there, Otis. it takes time.