Saturday, January 30, 2010

What’s Your News IQ?


Pew Research has produced a fascinating quiz, and I’d like to see how well our readers do.  It’s easy to do, just 12 multiple choice questions with 3 more for demographics.  I got all 12, but don’t be disappointed if you do not.  I spend several hours a day researching.  Please Comment with your results.  Tomorrow, I’ll post an article on the quiz and compare our results to t6he country as a whole.

To take the quiz, Click Here.


the walking man said...

11/12 correct I missed the oil question vacillating between the answers. kind of pisses me off at the largest demographic stack being 2 correct answers.

I guess this proves in another way that reading is fundamental.

Jack Jodell said...

Thanks for posting this, TomCat. I got 11. It's a real shame that, with all of the sources at our disposal, so few really know a lot about the news. Perhaps if our TV news were less shallow, narrow, and entertainment-oriented our citizens would be better informed!

otis said...

It seems I a political idiot. I got only 8 right. I missed oil consumption, who owns the most debt, Real Unemployment rate (I question the accuracy of that answer), and where the most casualities were in '09.
I'm sorry, all, given my answers I am going to have to be banished to watch Faux Noise since I am not intelligent enough to keep up with this crowd.

When next you hear from me I will sound like this:
You All ARe A buNCh of coMMIeS! PaLIN iz go to wIn HUGe in 2011!!!

I figure it will take me a week of watching Faux for me to be reduced to that. I always thought that Faux was against the Geneva Convention, but Faux doesn't believe that the Geneva Convention is a real thing, just a liberal plot that keeps our nation unsafe.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I got em all but that only proves that I'm a font of knowledge that has done me no good my whole life.

On the whole, I'd rather be good at making money. But then I'd have to be a republican cause I would have no conscience.

Lisa G. said...

I got 11; missed the one on the number of casualties.

Lisa G. said...

That honey of mine needs to go to a re-education camp. His penance will be watching Faux News for a week.

otis said...

Aagh! Glenn Beck... So stupid... Stop... Lisa... Please... I feel my mind going. Would you like to hear a song? It's call Daisy...

Holte Ender said...

11/12 I missed question 4.

Teeluck said...

Great site bro, I'll surely keep visiting.

Leslie Parsley said...

Fun quiz, but I missed 2. : (
The number of casualties and the DJ - which goes to prove that if it has numbers, I don't get it.

Cellophane Queen said...

I love quizzes where I get 100% right. Thanks, TC. I feel a little better about myself now. Not so great about the country, but just myself.

TomCat said...

This is great, everyone is over 85% of the country with only one exception, and Lisa isn't done training him yet. ;-)

Welcome Teeluck!

Lisa G. said...

I am working on it; that asshole voted for GWB twice. He'll come around,
slowly or he'll be spending a lot of time in the mane- cave (i.e., the shed with no heater in it, I a typical Chicago winter) . That'll learn him.'

Lisa G. said...

What no post - very disappointed about your slacking TC.

TomCat said...

LOL, Lisa! Poor Otis!! I don't understand. I posted my own score in the original message, if that's what you mean. It was 12/12. I have the new post up today as well.