Saturday, January 30, 2010

Obama Surpasses Leonidas!

The Battle of Thermopylae resonates from the history of ancient Greece, and reminds me of Obama’s battle yesterday.

leonidas ...Leonidas is best known for his heroic defense of the narrow mountain pass of Thermopylae against the Persian army of Xerxes I in 480 bc. With an outnumbered force of about 7000 men, of which 300 were Spartans, Leonidas withstood the Persian invasion for two days. A Thessalian traitor, Ephialtes (d. 469 bc), however, showed Xerxes a new path over the mountain, and when Leonidas learned that he was about to be attacked from the rear, he sent most of his troops to safety. He remained with the Spartans and about 1100 other soldiers, mainly Thebans and Thespians, who refused to leave. The Thebans subsequently deserted. Leonidas and the remainder of his men perished bravely. The famous Battle of Thermopylae was recorded by the Greek historian Herodotus in his History…

Inserted from <>

There are similarities and differences of course.  Both heroically faced overwhelming odds. Both were betrayed.  But Leonidas had only one traitor, Ephialtes.  Obama has LIEberman and all the blue dogs that helped kill the public option and held out for back room deals.  Leonidas chose the ground to defend, but Obama went into enemy territory.  The biggest difference is that, in the end, Leonidas lost the battle.

GOPKoolAid In a remarkably sharp face-to-face confrontation, President Barack Obama chastised Republican lawmakers Friday for opposing him on taxes, health care and the economic stimulus, while they accused him in turn of brushing off their ideas and driving up the national debt.

The president and GOP House members took turns questioning and sometimes lecturing each other for more than an hour at a Republican gathering in Baltimore. The Republicans agreed to let TV cameras inside, resulting in an extended, point-by-point interchange that was almost unprecedented in U.S. politics, except perhaps during presidential debates.

With voters angry about partisanship and legislative logjams, both sides were eager to demonstrate they were ready to cooperate, resulting in the GOP invitation and Obama's acceptance. After polite introductions, however, Friday's exchange showed that Obama and the Republicans remain far apart on key issues, and neither side could resist the chance to challenge and even scold the other.

Obama said Republican lawmakers have attacked his health care overhaul so fiercely, "you'd think that this thing was some Bolshevik plot." His proposals are mainstream, widely supported ideas, he said, and they deserve some GOP votes in Congress.

"I am not an ideologue," the president declared.

But Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., pointedly asked Obama: "What should we tell our constituents who know that Republicans have offered positive solutions" for health care, "and yet continue to hear out of the administration that we've offered nothing?"

Obama showed little sympathy, disputing Price's claim that a Republican plan would insure nearly all Americans without raising taxes.

"That's just not true," said Obama. He called such claims "boilerplate" meant to score political points.

At times it seemed more like Britain's "question time" — when lawmakers in the House of Commons trade barbs with the prime minister — than a meeting between a U.S. president and members of Congress.

Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence of Indiana defended Price on the health care proposals. He said a GOP agenda booklet given to Obama at the start of the session "is backed up by precisely the kind of detailed legislation that Speaker (Nancy) Pelosi and your administration have been busy ignoring for 12 months."

Obama shot back that he had read the Republican proposals and that they promise solutions that can't be realized.

In another barbed exchange, the president said some Republican lawmakers in the audience had attended ribbon-cutting ceremonies for projects in their districts funded by the 2009 stimulus package that they voted against.

Pence said Obama was trying to defend "a so-called stimulus that was a piecemeal list of projects and boutique tax cuts."

Obama replied, "When you say they were boutique tax cuts, Mike, 95 percent of working Americans got tax cuts."

"This notion that this was a radical package is just not true," he said.

Republicans are feeling energized after winning a Democratic Senate seat in Massachusetts, and Obama is trying to refocus his stalled agenda more on jobs than health care. With Obama at a podium facing a hotel conference room full of Republicans, both sides jumped to the debate.

"It was the kind of discussion that we frankly need to have more of," said House Republican Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia.

"I'm having fun, this is great," Obama said when Pence asked if he had time for more questions.

"So are we," said Pence.

Some Republicans prefaced their questions with lengthy recitations of conservative talking points. The president sometimes listened impassively but sometimes broke in.

"I know there's a question in there somewhere, because you're making a whole bunch of assertions, half of which I disagree with," Obama said to Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas, whom he mistakenly called "Jim."

Obama, a former law school professor, launched into lectures of his own at times. He warned lawmakers from both parties against demonizing a political opponent, because voters might find it incomprehensible if the two sides ever agree on anything.

"We've got to be careful about what we say about each other sometimes, because it boxes us in in ways that makes it difficult for us to work together because our constituents start believing us," Obama said. "So just a tone of civility instead of slash-and-burn would be helpful."

Republicans sat attentively for the most part. There was some grumbling when Obama remarked — after being pressed about closed-door health care negotiations — that much of the legislation was developed in congressional committees in front of television cameras.

"That was a messy process," Obama said.

GOP lawmakers pressured him to support a presidential line-item veto for spending bills and to endorse across-the-board tax cuts. Obama said he was ready to talk about the budget proposal, though he disputed accusations that his administration was to blame for big increases in deficit spending. And he demurred on the idea of cutting everyone's taxes, saying with a smile that billionaires don't need tax cuts.

In his opening remarks, Obama criticized what he said was a Washington culture driven by opinion polls and nonstop political campaigns.

"I don't believe that the American people want us to focus on our job security, they want us to focus on their job security," he said… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <AP/Yahoo>

One phrase the GOP has bantered around quite a bit of late is boutique tax cut.  In GOP-speak that is any tax cut in which the richest 5% do not get at least 90% of the benefit.

Here’s a video excerpt with some fact checking by Rachel Maddow.


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My findings were similar to hers.  I went to the GOP site and, after disabling a swarm of persistent tracking cookies, downloaded it the same pamphlet given to Obama with all the ideas they claim to have.  Reading it was a lot like looking at The GOP’s Silicone Sweetie, Carrie Prejean.  Their points, like hers, are pretty to look at, but nothing there is real.  There’s lots of fluff, but no substance.  The few ideas that they did spell out in any detail are the same tired policies that brought this nation to its current sorry state.

Obama clearly won the day, In the words of a Republican who was there, "It was a mistake that we allowed the cameras to roll like that. We should not have done that."


the walking man said...

I wouldn't quite characterize it as Leonidas' stand at Thermopylae but it was good to see him finally engaging the opposition. that it was on their own ground and they had no choice but to televise it if they were going to offer their obtuse & groundless criticism of the transparency of the health care debates.

What was the majority caucus supposed to do after the minority made it abundant clear to anyone who watched the proceedings this past year, that they would obstruct anything that was not 99.9% of their loaf?

Now I want to see him do the same thing three more times once with his House of Rep caucus. Then with the ever so (we too could be president) egotistical bastards of the senate caucuses, all televised of course.

This revolution, if there is to be one, should be televised.

otis said...

First of all, we will NEVER see something like this again. The Repubs were made to look like the jackasses they are. Even if Obama starts doing this on the House and Senate floors, the Repubs will either:
A) Walk out in protest of "the disruption of their Congressional duties"
B) Make mice and ninjas sound like 2 semi tractor trailers in a head on collision in a tunnel by being absolutely silent.

No, they will never allow this again. I am sure that there are one or two idiots in the Repubs House Party that thought they did well, but they probably come from such red districts that they were probably victims of their own under-funded school systems.

Transparency, disclosure, honesty, discussion, and compromise. These are the things that most politicians fear. I doubt that a Democratic Q&A would go much better for the 'audience'.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think the republicans learned there lesson. No more television for them. Unless of course it's a softball interview with Hannity.

Intellectually, morally and courageously bankrupt they are.

Lisa G. said...

I'm with the hubby (Otis) on this one - they won't allow it to be televised, because they looked like a bunch of sniveling jackasses.

Leslie Parsley said...

Yeah, but protesting cameras can backfire on them as well. What are they hiding? What are they afraid of?

TomCat said...

Mark, few things could please me more.

Otis and Otis' boss (heh heh), you're so right. But remember, the Democrats are the Jackasses. The Republicans are jackassholes. :-)

Truth they can still handle media types. They just parrot talking points without regard to questions asked.

Tnlib, what they are afraid of is the revelation that they in fach have no new ideas. They are the obstructionist party of NO. They have nothing else to offer.

Teeluck said...

Nice get out of my head and stop reading my mind!

Teeluck said...

That goes for the rest of you as well apparently...

Lisa G. said...

Finally the electorate we see them as they ar, "the party of NO'.

TomCat said...

Thank you Teeluck. Both I and most of the regulars here tend to be leftist, independent thinkers who prefer digging into a matter rather thaqn knee-jerking either way. I tend to frustrate both Obamaphiles, for whom he can do no wrong, and Obama haters, for whom he can do no right.

Lisa, that's the cleanest way we can put it. ;-)