Friday, January 1, 2010

Monthly Report – 1/1/2010

olitics Plus returned to the Internet on September 5 as a brand new blog.  Our first four months show a steady increase in activity after a great start..  As of Midnight we have had 25, 202 visitors.  Last month, we had 7,330 visitors, up 118 from November, an increase of 1.6%.  We also has 8,658 page views, up 26 from October, an increase of  0.3%.  This averages to 236/279 240 visits/views per day, down 4/9 from November.  I’m quite pleased.  After an amazing start in September and a surge ahead in October, we made steady progress.  We slowed ever so slightly in December, but that’s completely normal during the holidays.  Here’s a graph of visits and views.
Here’s a graph of how long people are staying while they’re here.  It covers only the last five hundred visitors.
And here is our most recent ClustrMap, last updated 12/25, showing our readers from all over the world:

Our 18,000th through 25,000th visitors, respectively, were Mark, Stimpson, Oso, Oso, Stimpson, Punky Penny, Sue and Dave Dubya.  You’ll find a special section in our sidebar honoring them and linking to their blogs.
Technorati seems completely useless.  We still have a Technorati Authority of 1, which means they have not updated us since the day they recognized our existence.  Although I have emailed them on several occasions, the only response I received is a automatically generated email saying that they will get to us whenever they get to us.   We need Authority of 100 to be on the B list again.  Well, according to Google Webmaster Tools, there are currently 4,573 external links to Politics Plus.  There are 169 external links to just our top five articles in December.  I think we are now linked enough to be B list, but I’ll have to check it out. So please keep linking the articles you like here to your facebook pages, stumble upon pages, etc.  When you see material you like here, the operative commandment is: “Thou shalt steal!!”  Please do link back though.  Hat-tips are much appreciated.
I use the terms “we” and “our” while referring to Politics Plus, since this is a one-person blog.  I assure you, I’m not doing so in the royal sense.  My Kingship ends with my kitty box.  The we in Politics Plus includes you.  Without your readership and comments, this blog would be pointless.  Whatever success this blog does and will enjoy is because of you, so please congratulate yourself.  Thank you all for another fantastic month.  On to a fantastic year!!
PS: We have some excellent articles today, sp\o please check them out.


Jack Jodell said...

I have found this blog to be well-researched, thought-provoking, and especially informative, and would (and HAVE) unhesitatingly recommend it to others. So long as you keep up the fact-based and educational format you have run with thus far, I'll be a regular and satisfied visitor. Keep up the great work!

TomCat said...

Thanks Jack. I appreciate that. PS... You look like a dawg! ;-)

Holte Ender said...

Congratulations on the success of your fine blog, it is no accident, it is essential reading. Much more success and may 2010 be a good one you and yours.

Oso said...

Congratulation TomCat,
I echo the other folks statements. I hope the cat is behaving better this year. Mine is only getting more selfish and self-centered and spoiled but only got myself to blame.She is like a little Republican, but cleaner.

TomCat said...

Thanks Holte. That means a lot.

Thanks Oso. Actually, I don't have a cat. I am the cat. Spoiling cats is proper procedure. :-)

SJ said...

Yessir Tom Cat,
keep it going strong in '10. I prefer to write/talk out of ass often and read your blog and Jodell's for some more grounding in the facts.

By the way, Boomerang is doing a 24-hour "Tom and Jerry" marathon.
Strangley it's much more violent than I remembered... Like Peckinpah/Tarantino/Miike violent. I recommend it, even as a cat person.

Oso said...

we have an extra cat with "litterbox issues" and a bad attitude.
Seeing as how you're lacking one, I will be Fedexing her to your place later this week.
No thanks is necessary, just doing my part.

SJ said...

Happy New Year Oso!

Hey Tom Cat, I just added you to our blog roll at Random Thoughts. Cheers.
Fight on in 2010.

Jack Jodell said...

I'm not a "Blue Dawg" though, and this dog gets along with "Cats" very nicely! :-)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Congratulations TomCat. You get two to three times the traffic I get Brother. You work hard and it shows. You deserve your traffic and no doubt you'll be an "A" lister one of these days. Just remember the little guys like me when you're at the top Brother.

TomCat said...

Thanks SJ. I'm afraid I don't get Boomerang. Now that I know which blog you call home, I've added you as well.

Oso, I'm afraid I cant have pets in my building.

Jack, as long as you aren't a blue dog, you're tolerable. ;-)

Thanks Truth. Please don't downplay your contribution to the blogosphere. We all have a part to play.

Lisa G. said...

Congrats on your stats! And I swear that Oso beats me by one every single time. I think he has insider info.

Real_PHV_Mentarch said...

Congratz TC - there are no truer "comeback" out there.

Still wishing I'd get only half your numbers ;-)

TomCat said...

Thanks Lisa. How does Oso beat you? you don't have a blog listed on your profile.

Thanks, Mentarch. If I have higher numbers, it's only because there are less Canadians.

Lisa G. said...

You tell him when it gets close, so he knows to post right after me, to win the spot. I know how you 'guys' stick together. I'm on to both of you. :)

TomCat said...

OK, I get it. You're talking about the thousands list.