Saturday, October 24, 2009

You Decide: News Channel or Propaganda Channel?

Media Matters collected a compendium of outtakes from Faux Noise.  It documents the history of their coverage of the Obama Administration.  Please watch the video:


Now, you tell me.  Is Faux Noise a news channel or the GOP Ministry of Propaganda?


Unknown said...

FOX NEWS is so much of a news network for sanctimonious crony Capitalist preachers, crony Capitalist pill poppin' pundits, and crony Capitalist pretend patriot parrots that not a single soul on Murdoch's payroll over there can truly decide which "God" they're gonna serve with the usual self-serving smoke up the sphincter sermonizing at any given day -- the false "God" outlined in their Bibles or the false "God" of Mammon -- until long after it happens.

As a result, the network ought to be officially rebranded as "The Redneck Tali-Born Again Al-Jazeera" and cease bothering to pretend anymore that they are a news organization but an entertainment organization instead completely staffed by a useless shower of "Baghdad Bob" clones. Either that, or someone should slowly convince Proctor & Gamble to sue them completely out of existence for unlawfully trafficking and cornering the douchbag market ...

Pauline said...

Since when has personal, biased commentary been considered "news"? At the least, they should rename the program; at best, it should come with a disclaimer that the opinions stated are slanted and intended to be incendiary.

One Fly said...

It's more than propaganda TCat - it's brainwashing. They have been able to get people to do shit that have never opened their mouths before. Tripping light switches in mostly empty minds is hard to do but they have.

OTC has linked back to you and thanks you for that!!!

Sue said...

I believe OneFly is right when he says Faux Noise brainwashes people. Have you seen Beck?? He totally does that! The fake news show is on the same level as National Enquirer!

Annette said...

I have never said that Faux is a news channel and in fact have refused to call it news at all.

I have always said they were propaganda and a branch of the GOP, they worked with the Bush maladministration to put out the stories they wanted told, and they are doing the same now, from the GOPers and the RNC.

I guess Brainwashing could apply the very least in the case of Beck and even Hannity to a certain extent..

Holte Ender said...

Fox hit the ground running the day after the election. Their celebrity front men all do the same thing, tell lies and tell them often, Obama has made Rupert Murdoch very nervous, hence the venom tinged vileness that his minions deliver.

Unknown said...

Faux Noise is far from news. One Fly hits the nail squarely on it's itty bitty head.

Jack Jodell said...

Fox "News" is NOT news in the least. It is one-sided, deliberate, vicious propaganda. It also incites rebellion and insurrection against the administration by sponsoring and promoting anti-government rallies. Its commentators are blatant liars and their lies have been exposed repeatedly, and will continue to be. Fox is the American equivalent of the Soviet Union's Tass. Like Tass, it only mouths and reinforces the official party line instead of actually reporting the news.

Joseph Goebbels would be proud and flattered by the way Fox emulates the methodology he began back in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Fox has nothing to do with the free press. Fox is an ABUSE of the free press!

TomCat said...

Hi Jason. You're so kind to them. ;-)

Welcome Pauline. MSNBC offers slanted opinions too, but they offer them from both left and right perspectives. My opinions are also slants. I'm a progressive and proud of it. But there the similarity ends. My facts are not slanted. In those rare instances when I make a factual error, I say so. Faux Noise, on the other hand, presents intentional lies as fact.

Hiya Fly. Isn't brainwashing the purpose of propaganda?

Sue, I hope the National Enquirer does not sue you for defamation of character. They would have a good case. ;-)

Annette, I fully agree. Where have you been? We missed you around here.

Welcome Holte. Murdoch is clearly behind it, but Ayers was a GOP operative for Nixon as well. Sadly, the WSJ is leaning in that direction as well.

Dusty, he did. Smart fellow, that Fly.

Jack, that's the reason that I refer to Faux Noise as the GOP Reichsministry of Propaganda.

Libhom, it certainly is!

Randal Graves said...

Boy, sure can tell I walked in on the local party meeting, right, Commissar Tomcat? ;-)

TomCat said...

Randal, time to go the the gulag again! ;-)

Jo said...

The wonderful thing about a free country is that news stations (*cough*) like Faux News are able to exist. And folks are free to choose whether or not to agree with them. (By the way is Ann Coulter a real, live human being? She looks like a warmed-over cadaver...)

Unfortunately, the United States of America has become extremely polarized, and that's unfortunate. And, I have a feeling there is a certain amount of fibbing going on with both sides. The danger arises, however, when people try to stop the other side from talking.

Remember the quote by Voltaire, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

He also said, "To hold a pen is to be at war."

Communist countries banned Radio Free Europe, and jammed the broadcasts. Ordinary people could be arrested and jailed just for listening to it. So you have to put Faux News into perspective. How many countries in this world would allow it, especially after having elected a President that the news station seems to despise? Not many. Thank your lucky stars for your freedoms.

And then press the "Off" button.

Vigilante said...

I don't watch anyone on TV except Rachel Maddow, so I can't really opine on these issues. Capt. Barry calls it Clusterfaux. I'm inclined, almost always, to agree with her. But Tim Rutten in the Los Angeles Times calls this, Obama's misguided Fox hunt. I donno... Like I said, don't watch enough....

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I tried to think of something nice to say about FOX other than it hires good looking women to spread it's right wing propaganda but I can't think of anything.

The Moose said...

Bro says you should never use the word 'ministry' when refering to Fox Noise,

The National Enquirer has the credibility of the Gospel compared to Faux News.

Tao Dao Man said...

IMHO; All [MSM] is a joke. They are a tool to keep the american people occupied with their political in-fighting. Each team wins a battle, while america loses the war to the elite. The MSM is the button pusher of the american mind. The "news" we see on television is nothing more that a control mechanism.

ivan said...

Take a functioning, independent counry-and turn it into shit; the old CIA way. And now "Radio Free America"-cum-Fox.

But the amazing Obama went on talk shows. And it had a great effect.

Robert Rouse said...

They are nothing more than a pseudo press relations firm for the GOP. By the way, I prefer the fake spelling of Fox as FUX instead of FAUX. Because in my mind, they're all a bunch of FUX. Excuse my Right Wing language.

Vigilante said...

Mr. Rouse has a point.


may be the best term.

None said...

Fox News was all for GWB pushing these same programs and called anybody with a different view on things a kook or unpatriotic. Now they're the ones talking like that. Amazing.

TomCat said...

Wxcellent comments, everyone, and welcome None. Sorry I'm too ill to respond individually to all.