Friday, October 9, 2009

Open Thread – 10/9/2009

After getting my articles up yesterday, I went back to bed and slept in.  I must have been really tired.  Nonetheless, I think I made it to most of the blogs on our list.  Today I’ll be here, but have some cleaning to do and groceries to put away.  Being able to shop online again is a real relief, because I can have my main shop each month delivered.  Hauling a heavy grocery cart and an oxygen tank up stairs was really hurting me.  I still expect to be able to make rounds today.

Still mouseless, I completed today’s Jig Zone puzzle in 6:15.  To do it, Click Here.  How did you do?

Here’s the latest GOP health care plan from Red State Update.


And here’s some more humor for you.


What are you up to today?