Saturday, October 17, 2009

Open Thread – 10/17/2009

Yesterday I had to rearrange my plans, but I did manage to complete that long delayed computer backup and get some visiting in anyway.  Today, I can visit blogs and spend more time in doing so.

Today’s Jig Zone puzzle took me 4:12.  To do it, Click Here.  How did you do?

Here are a couple one liners from Daily Kos.

"It was announced that Rush Limbaugh would be a judge for the 2010 Miss America pageant. This is an early boost to Miss Connecticut, whose talent is filling out illegal prescriptions."

---Seth Myers

"A group called the Conservative Bible Project is re-editing the Bible because they say it's too liberal. They say previous editions have a liberal bias. For example, when Jesus is washing the Apostles' feet, it sounds a little gay.  So now he washes their truck."

---Bill Maher

And here is your cartoon.

Have a great weekend!

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