Saturday, November 21, 2009

WTF Is He Thinking?!!?

Most of my criticism of President Barack Obama has centered around his appointment of right wing ideologues to government posts.  On that, his record is dismal at best.  But this time, he has gone completely off the deep end.  Like the author, I did a double take too!

dana-perino-bush Yep, I did a double take too.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has tapped a former top aide of his predecessor George W. Bush to a key post on a board overseeing government-sponsored international broadcasting.

Dana Perino, the first Republican woman to serve as White House press secretary, was appointed late Wednesday to the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).

Created in 1994, the BBG oversees all of the US government's non-military international broadcasting outlets, including Voice of America, Alhurra television, Radio Sawa, TV Marti, Radio Free Asia and Radio Free Europe. Read on...

Where to begin? I understand that President Obama campaigned on the idea of bipartisanship, but this is truly an insult. Forget that he is appointing an intellectual lightweight who ran cover for, and spread propaganda for the worst president in American history. Dana Perino stood before reporters and routinely lied to them and the world -- even defending the use of torture, calling it "effective, safe and legal."

And now President Obama believes that she has the integrity to hold a key position in an agency that oversees government-sponsored, international broadcasting?… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

I’m searching for something to say here, but I just can’t shake off my sense of utter amazement and disbelief!  Shit!  How could he?!!?

This appointment is one that has to be confirmed in the Senate.  If people had told me yesterday that I would be calling for Senate Democrats to filibuster an Obama appointee, I would have told them they were crazy and would have suggested they had been sipping the GOP Kool-Aid.   But that’s the only thing I can think of!  WTF!!


the walking man said...

If the president continues on this path of needing absolution from the right side of the aisle he is going to not only disenfranchise his progressive base but he will also marginalize his presidency.

In my knowledge I have no recollection of any political leader anywhere going so far to coddle his opposition.

Yes he is president of all the people of the United States but we elect different administrations because we want different results. And so far this administration is giving very little sign that the changes they were elected to make are in fact going to happen. At least not in a meaningful way.

*shrug* There will be an opponent in 2012 in the primary if he is not more circumspect in his dealing with the radical conservatives who would have us for their slaves.

Holte Ender said...

Give Obama credit, he talks bipartisanship and he actually follows through, unlike the republicans who pay lip service to it, it would be ironic if all republicans vote for her appointment and Democrats vote against.

Kevin said...

At first, I commended Obama's appointment of Republicans to various posts, but I realized that it does not matter...

The right seems to ignore his concessions, only dragging their feet and fighting Democrats on every issue.

He should stop since they haven't!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Kevin's correct. It's time to stop this bipartisanship nonsense. President Obama is not a fool. He knows the republicans will oppose him no matter what. If Obama said he was now pro life they would all become pro choice. It's what they are and what they do.

Coddling these jokers will never get health insurance for all Americans. It will never get us out of the quagmires that are Iraq and Afghanistan.

Forgive my language Tomcat but it's long past the time to say screw these assholes. We need America to move forward. The right wants to pull us back.

One Fly said...

I can't see where reaching out has been much of a positive.

Obama is doing what he's told to do.

TomCat said...

Mark, thanks for If the president continues on this path of needing absolution from the right side of the aisle he is going to not only disenfranchise his progressive base but he will also marginalize his presidency. Brilliant analysis.

Kevin, I never commended him for it, because I accurately predicted what the GOP policy would be (but not the extent of the hatred they would display).

Truth, I fully agree. No need to apologize. I virtually never use bad language, because I think it's a lazy way of not having to think of a more lucid statement, but the are times... This post got two expletives out of me!!

Fly, I think you're right. Time for him to stop listening to those folks.

TomCat said...

Mark, thanks for If the president continues on this path of needing absolution from the right side of the aisle he is going to not only disenfranchise his progressive base but he will also marginalize his presidency. Brilliant analysis.

Kevin, I never commended him for it, because I accurately predicted what the GOP policy would be (but not the extent of the hatred they would display).

Truth, I fully agree. No need to apologize. I virtually never use bad language, because I think it's a lazy way of not having to think of a more lucid statement, but the are times... This post got two expletives out of me!!

Fly, I think you're right. Time for him to stop listening to those folks.

Cirze said...

Thank you, sweetheart.

Someone had to say it (and your language is perfect).

As for myself? I long ago (after the appointment of the seriously flawed Geithner - candidate for Treasury Secretary who hadn't paid his taxes and admitted it!) lost hope that he was ever a serious candidate for progressives.

He was just the first black president.

Boo on US!

Kucinich for President! (or move overseas - wayyyy overseas)


If people had told me yesterday that I would be calling for Senate Democrats to filibuster an Obama appointee, I would have told them they were crazy and would have suggested they had been sipping the GOP Kool-Aid. But that’s the only thing I can think of! WTF!!


ivan said...

Well, it stregthens the Italian-American cachet.
Two powerful ladies!

libhom said...

I am deeply offended that Obama appointed a pro torture propagandist.

TomCat said...

Thanks, Suzan. Geithner was his second worst appointment. Sadly, I will fly to the moon on my own power before Dennis is elected President.

Ivan, I don't see Perino as powerful. I see her as corrupt.

Libhom, I share your sentiment.

Oso said...


"Dana Perino appeared on NPR's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" and admitted that she RECENTLY had to ask her (British) husband if the "Cuban Missile Crisis" and the "Bay of Pigs" were the same thing."

This same ignorant asshole Perino compared Obama ignoring Fox to Chavez removing licensing from media outlets in Venezuela.The TV stations in Venezuela openly supported the coup against Chavez and some have openly called for his assassination.

Media outlets in the US which did this would be immediately shut down and rightfully so. And Obama is putting this asshole in charge of overseeing international media?

Screw her and Screw Obama too.

Excuse the male chauvinism, but time for the Prez to get off his knees to the Republicans and financial interests and be a man.

Jo said...

Tom, may I say it? Please may I say it?

Oh, heck, I'm going to say it anyway.

"I told you so..."

But, heck, who listens to me? :-)

Mike said...

Enough of this bipartisanship stuff. It's just being nice to your abuser.

Tao Dao Man said...

the only republican that obama should have appointed to anything was Chuck Hagel now x senator of Nebraska. he is a nam vet, and came out openly, and adamnntly opposing the iraqi invasion. Instead he kept Gates, A LEFT OVER FROM THE SHRUB FAMILY [REGIME].

The only new talent in the white house is their puppy dog.

Jo said...

Tom, did you see Harry Reid's speech in the Senate tonight? Now, there's someone you folks should elect as President.

Distributorcap said...

i can deal with some of his bipartisanship - but this is completely over the line

obama was losing me day by day (i was never the strong supporter that many were) - but now this, his inevitable decision on afghanistan (i shuoldnt count chickens, but i know what he is going to do) and his dropping almost all legislation on pelosi and really weak reid have finally pushed me beyond repair

dana perino is a terrible appt and a real shot to his progressive base.

i dont know how i will handle 2012 - but i will not forget this

TomCat said...

Oso, I had not heard the two stories about Cuba and Venezuela. All the more reason not to appoint her. Thanks.

Josie, you sure did, but I's like you to stop by Mad Mike's blog in my blog roll and read the article about the positive things he has done. I did hear Reid's speech, and it is a good one, but he's responsible for more GOP giveaways than any other politician we have. I call him "The Nevada Leg Hound", because he usually humps the GOP leg instead of opposing them.

Exactly, Stimson.

RZ, Gates was clearly another mistake.

DC, I'm with you. I'm in his corner, not in his pocket. He has offended me greatly with this one.